Debating the Fundamentals Such as Free Speech

In a country where an increasing number of people seem confused about the existence of biological sex (“gender”), it is understandable that we need to review all of the fundamentals.

Our First Amendment freedoms are pretty basic, and fortunately there is more than enough information available for free on the web that even liberals can understand (that is, if they would open their minds). This website alone has linked to scores of articles on the topic of religious liberty — some great minds have volunteered to act as teachers — click here to review the titles.

In recent days it seems that the topic of free speech has been getting increased attention — here is just a sampling of the articles I’ve come across:

Provocation IS Freedom of Speech

Mocking Religion is Not ‘Hate Speech

Everything Before the ‘But’ is BS

Assault on Free Speech in Texas

Free Speech for Me But Not for Thee

Islam and Free Speech: Missing the Point in Garland

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