Another great list from John Hawkins:
1) Starting in the sixties there was an explosion of children born out-of-wedlock and kids who don’t grow up in two parent families fare more poorly percentage wise on just about any and every scale imaginable including substance abuse, teenage pregnancies, suicide rates, criminality and homelessness.
2) Many people are becoming so childlike in their dependence on the government that they can’t save for their own retirement, escape from an oncoming hurricane, or even purchase their own birth control without the government handling it for them.
3) Our legal system encourages frivolous lawsuits, is punitively expensive and because of the political inclinations of the judges, can often be almost random.
4) Leeching off more productive people has become much more acceptable. To many people, taking welfare, food stamps, free lunches and anything else they can get the government to force someone else to pay for isn’t shameful; it’s deserved, presumably because they’re doing everyone else in the country such a wonderful favor just by existing.