I link to a lot of articles about both the problem with our education system and the solution. Today’s is another link about the solution, and frankly, the future is here. Now all we need to do is shut down the failed public school system and unleash the American people to return to what works: freedom. And virtual and online learning has already begun the process of running the bloated and corrupt public system out of business.
First, an episode of CBS’ 60 Minutes:
Here’s a link to the Khan Academy: www.khanacademy.com.
Next, here’s what this website has to say about the free interactive college courses found at https://www.udacity.com:
Whether you’re in school or not, you should always be learning new things. Not only does it keep your mind sharp, it makes life more interesting.
You could go poking around online for new information, but many people prefer more structure. For them, Udacity is a great option.
Billed as “the future of online higher education,” Udacity features short teaching videos with plenty of interactive projects and quizzes.
Here’s the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s “Open Courseware” website:
You can learn a language for free here:
Education is a lifetime process of course, and here are just four websites that link to e-books, sure there’s a lot of junk, but there’s also a lot of good stuff to be found here: