What’s that about the social issues not mattering? From FamilySecurityMatters.org:
Do you believe that America is a seething cesspool of filth and corruption? If not, you might change your mind after reading this article.
Sadly, the truth is that the United States is absolutely corrupt to the core. This is true from the very top of our society all the way to the very bottom. The current administration will likely go down as the most corrupt in history, and that is really saying something. Even the men who are supposed to be in charge of protecting the president are corrupt. A whole bunch of them were recently discovered sleeping with prostitutes in Colombia.
We also find very deep and very pervasive corruption in our financial institutions, in our judicial system, in our police departments and in our religious institutions. It is almost as if nearly the entire nation is saturated with filth and depravity. It is becoming harder and harder to find men and women of integrity, and our young people have very few positive role models to look up to. How long is our society going to be able to continue to function normally if all of this corruption gets even worse?