Bizarro Sexuality

From Salvo Magazine, Spring 2007. Visit the Salvo Magazine website here.

The going wisdom of the cultural elite, particularly those cut off from the real world within the ivory tower of academia, is that one’s gender is an ever-changing, internal sense of being male, female, or a combination of these. Indeed, they would say that, plumbing aside, there is no difference between men and women at all, only stereotyped roles into which we are socialized by the culture at large.

Conversely, these same people contend that sexual orientation-whether straight, gay, lesbian, or bisexual-is an absolutely unyielding human characteristic. We are born with an attraction to the opposite sex, our own sex, or both, and no medicine, therapy, or spiritual epiphany will ever change this predisposition.

Now what happens when a heterosexual man starts to feel like a woman? Does his continued attraction to women mark him as a lesbian? And let’s suppose that a homosexual man is attracted to a man who believes himself-and who dresses like-a woman; shouldn’t the former just declare himself a heterosexual and be done with it?

Such permutations are all possibilities in the Bizarro world of the intelligentsia. For only in a sequestered imagination could something as patently innate as gender be considered a malleable product of personal feelings, while sexual preference is considered an unalterable fact of life.