Adapt Mexico’s Immigration Policy

The above-titled and below-excerpted short article by Daniel John Sobieski is excellent. Too bad more Americans won’t be hearing its message due to conservatives’ failure in the information war:

One hopes that during his visit with Mexican President Enrique Pena Lieto, Donald Trump reminded him of Mexico’s hypocrisy on border security and immigration control. Trump should remind those who alternately accuse him of a racist immigration stance and then flip-flopping when he softens it that border security could be achieved simply by adapting Mexico’s policies.

In 2014, Breitbart News reported that Mexico deported more illegal aliens than did the United States as part of its strict control of its borders:

From January to December, Mexico deported 107,199 Central Americans immigrants by land, while the U.S. only deported 104,688 illegal immigrants during that time period. Of those deported by land from Mexico, 43,456 are from Honduras, 41, 731 are from Guatemala, 20,988 are from El Salvador and 1,024 are from Nicaragua, information released by the Guatemalan Migration Office to Mexican news outlets reveals.

Appearing on Fox News, Chris Cabrera of the National Border Patrol Council noted that it is a felony just to cross the border into Mexico illegally. There is no green card, no food stamps, or pathway to Mexican citizenship. And. as Investors Business Daily has observed:

Mexico’s legal immigration policies are designed to provide the country with the skill sets that the country needs. There’s no talk of letting in those who’ll do the work that Mexicans won’t do. Mexican immigration law accepts those who have the “necessary funds for their sustenance” while denying entry to those who are not healthy or would “upset the equilibrium of the national demographics.”…

There will be no fundamental transformation of Mexico under the Mexican constitution. While we invite illegal immigration with jobs, service in the U.S. military, driver’s licenses and discounted college tuition denied U.S. citizens from another state, Mexico slams the door.

Article 32 of Mexico’s constitution bans non-native-born residents from holding sensitive jobs and joining the country’s military in peacetime. Article 33 gives the president of Mexico the right to deport foreigners at will without the deportation hearing that 90% of our illegals fail to show up for. Foreigners are prohibited from participating in Mexican politics “in any way.”

Read more: American Thinker

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