From Laurie Higgins at the Illinois Family Institute:
As your children start off a new school year, take time to get to know what’s going on in your local public schools.
Although taxpayers must address the issue of objectionable curricular material directly, which will involve challenging the specious “book banning/censorship” arguments employed by school boards and administrations, there is something additional that parents can do to minimize their children’s exposure not just to inappropriate texts but to ideologically biased classroom proselytizing. In addition to objecting to objectionable resources, parents can object to objectionable teaching.
Here are some suggestions for parents who are fed up with the subtle and not so subtle messages that “progressive” activist teachers work into their classroom teaching through their classroom comments, curricular and supplementary materials (including textbooks, novels, plays, short stories, essays, newspaper and magazine articles, films, and speakers), and even their desks and classroom displays:
Parents can go to their middle school and/or high school websites and find out which teachers sponsor gay and straight alliances and liberal political activist groups (e.g. AWARE). It is much more common for teachers who sponsor liberal clubs to express their views in the classroom and to proselytize through both curricular and supplementary resources than it is for teachers who sponsor conservative clubs to express theirs in class.