And the insanity continues. From Janice Shaw Crouse:
The days are long gone when the public school systems across the country focused on teaching reading, writing, and arithmetic. Education these days involves indoctrination, far more than teaching children to think clearly and to recognize demagoguery and propaganda. Too often, our schools — from pre-school to graduate programs — are saturated with so-called “progressive” ideology. Even when they cannot read or do basic math, children can spout the latest cultural truism, what Justice Scalia might term “argle-bargle.” They know where to buy condoms or obtain birth control; they “know” that global warming is the greatest threat facing mankind. And, today, it is becoming perfectly normal for “transgender” students to pop in and out of whichever bathroom they want to use.
In the latest push to normalize people who believe they were born the wrong gender and want to live as the opposite, elementary school girls in a Colorado school district were ordered by a court to share their bathroom with a boy who wishes he were a girl.
Coy Mathis, a six-year-old boy born a triplet with two sisters, self-identifies himself as a girl and has done so with his parents’ help since he was a toddler. They refer to him as “her” and tell the story of a five-month-old Coy picking up his sister’s pink blanket as their first indication their son wanted to be a girl. Over the next few years, Coy — surprise, surprise — wanted to play with the same toys as his sisters. His parents report that he wasn’t interested in playing with toys aimed at boys, such as cars, dinosaurs, and monsters. Then Coy began to “refuse” to leave their house unless he was wearing girls’ clothes. [Did his parents not understand that most children push the limits with their parents on one issue or another — for the simple ego gratification of having their own way whenever possible? Children, in fact, manufacture opportunities to test their parents’ authority; it is part of human nature, but children become very insecure — and little tyrants — when they, not the parents, are in control.]