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Another U.S. Supreme Court justice has prompted a call to recuse herself if the court is asked to determine the constitutionality of state marriage laws and amendments.
Justice Elena Kagan recently performed a homosexual “marriage” ceremony, joining Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg who has performed five of them.
Matt Barber, a constitutional attorney and founder of, says the Judicial Code of Conduct states clearly that a judge or justice “should not lend the prestige of the office to advance, or to even appear to advance, the private interests of others. Nor should they make public comment on the merits of a pending or impending action.”
The high court is under growing scrutiny after appeals court cases over state marriage laws are working their way toward the Supreme Court and its nine justices. Most of those cases are striking down state laws that define marriage as one man and one woman.
OneNewsNow reported this week that Ginsburg, in a speech, told a law school about a pending 6th Circuit appeals court decision on legal marriage. If the 6th Circuit upholds current marriage laws, she said, then the U.S. Supreme Court should take up the case because other appeals courts have ruled otherwise.
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