CDC Study: Traditional, Two-Parent Biological Family Safest for Children

LifeSiteNews2The findings in this report by Life Site News’ Kirsten Andersen should surprise no one…and the fact that they probably don’t is evidence that common sense isn’t dead just yet.

WASHINGTON, D.C. ( – A new study just released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reveals that children living in traditional, two-parent biological families are overwhelmingly safer than children living with just one biological parent or with non-parental caregivers.

The study, which tracked data from the 2011-2012 National Survey of Children’s Health, found that 70 percent of children raised by both biological parents had been completely free from traumas, which the researchers called “adverse childhood events.”

The traumas the researchers focused on were divorce or separation, death of a parent, incarceration of a parent, mental illness in the home, substance abuse in the home, domestic violence, child abuse, neighborhood violence, racial discrimination and poverty.

While 70 percent of children living with both biological parents had never experienced even one of those adverse events, 78.3 percent of those living with just one biological parent had experienced at least one of them, as had 81.2 percent of those living without either biological parent.

Nearly 30 percent of minors living with non-parental guardians had experienced four or more serious “adverse events.”

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