From Bruce Bialosky:
The founders of this country were quite an extraordinary group. Together, they created a unique government that they visualized would be run by individuals like themselves – ordinary citizens. They never envisioned a professional class of political leaders. The election of 2010 brought many non-professional politicians to Washington, but none more noteworthy than Colonel Allen West (R-FL).
West created a lot of publicity during the 2010 election, most noticeably because he is a Black Republican. In addition, he delivered some speeches that went viral on the Internet and ignited tremendous interest in his candidacy. He was defined as a Tea Party candidate that spoke bluntly about what was going on in America and about our campaign against Islamic terrorism. Since his election in November 2010, he has become the most visible member of the 84 newly-elected Republicans. When I asked a veteran Congressman his thoughts on the freshman class, the first name he mentioned was Allen West.