Here is John Binder writing at
Immediately following GOP nominee Donald Trump’s electrifying Republican National Convention (RNC) speech, not even CNN could deny that the public was loving it.
In four polls taken immediately after Trump’s speech, viewers told CNN what they really thought.
Binder put together a list of Twitter posts, and then writes:
For viewers, a whopping 57 percent said they had a “very positive” reaction to the speech, while only 24 percent said the speech had a “negative effect.”
Even more incredible for Trump was that 73 percent of viewers said the policies proposed in the speech would move the country in the “right direction,” with only 24 percent saying otherwise.
The speech left 56 percent of viewers saying they are “more likely” to vote for Trump.
The polls by CNN garnered quite the reaction on social media.
More “tweets” follow, and several screen shots from CNN. Read the entire article at
Here is Patrick Howley writing at Breitbart:
75 Percent Positive Response to Donald Trump Speech — So CNN Trashes Its Own Poll
CLEVELAND, Ohio – Donald Trump won the Republican nomination for president in Cleveland during a momentous week in political history.
On Thursday night, Trump gave a one-hour-and-fifteen-minute speech accepting the Republican nomination. The speech was so overwhelmingly well-received among the crowd that the media did not know what to do to tear it apart. Chyrons appeared on mainstream networks: “Trump Accepts Nomination.” Nothing scandalous.
CNN late-night host Don Lemon’s face was distraught during his panel, as was the face of one-time Ted Cruz employee Amanda Carpenter. Lemon’s show would play on the screens at public places without any sound, which was appreciated by the attendees.
At 12:52 a.m., this reporter texted Breitbart Washington political editor Matthew Boyle the following message: “56 percent more likely to vote for Trump post speech. 75 percent positive reaction – CNN POLL!!!!!!”
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