Congressman Says Corruption in Washington Is ‘Worse Than You Think’

Having worked on Capitol Hill many years ago, some of this is new to me — and probably many others. Though few probably are surprised to hear it’s worse than we thought. Here is Rachel del Guidice writing at The Daily Signal:

Corruption on Capitol Hill is “worse than you think,” Rep. Ken Buck, R-Colo., insists.

“When you first get here, you think that you are in some sort of fairy-tale novel,” Buck said. “They wine and dine you and they show you just exactly what it’s like if you play the game. It’s a wonderful life.”

Things quickly change, however, if “you don’t play the game.”

“If you don’t play the game … it becomes a much less conformable existence here,” Buck said.

Buck, who has served Colorado’s 4th Congressional District since 2015, previewed his new book, Drain the Swamp: How Washington Corruption is Worse Than You Think, published on Tuesday.

Chapters in Buck’s book include “Why Washington is a Swamp,” “Play the Game–Or Else,” “Beating the Beltway Bullies,” and “What You Can Do To Drain the Swamp.”

Buck said his book addresses corruption present in government today that he was not prepared for after being elected to Congress in 2014.

“One of the things that I found startling when I got here is that you have to pay dues to be on a committee,” Buck said.

During the time he served on the House Judiciary Committee, Buck said he had to pay periodic dues of $200,000 to the National Republican Congressional Committee, the campaign committee of the House of Representatives.

Now, as a member of the House Rules Committee, Buck’s periodic dues are $450,000.

The obligation to pay dues, Buck said, forces members of Congress to hold fundraising receptions and encourages corrupt influences from special interest organizations who attend the fundraisers.

“Who comes to those receptions with checks?” Buck said. “Lobbyists, special interests that want something in return. So there is a game that goes on that you owe the party money and you are expected to vote with the chairman and you are expected to help special interests groups in Washington, D.C.”

Read more: The Daily Signal

Image credit: Courtesy of Breitbart — their article about the book can be found here.