Conversion Therapy Law Threatens Christians

AmericanThinker2Fay Voshell is correct when she writes: “Progressivism, among other things, is really a competing religion, a sex cult founded on the tenets of the sexual revolution — a religion with its own doctrines and liturgies.”

When Chris Christie signed a law against conversion therapy directed at counseling teens experiencing homoerotic feelings, he probably didn’t think he had just put New Jersey on a path similar to countries like Saudi Arabia, which forbids conversion from the prevailing Muslim faith.

But forbidding efforts to convert is essentially what the governor did. He expressly forbade conversion from the prevailing progressive religion, whose chief doctrine is that sexual behavior, including the homoerotic behavior of some children, is a sacred, infallible, and therefore unchangeable indicator of what human identity entails.

He forbade moral suasion. He forbade attempts to persuade young people that another way of life is available. That other way that is forbidden is, of course, the way of Christian sexual ethics. Counseling a kid to follow the Christian way, to attempt to change his or her homoerotic behavior, is verboten.


Progressivism, among other things, is really a competing religion, a sex cult founded on the tenets of the sexual revolution — a religion with its own doctrines and liturgies. “Howl” is the progressive equivalent of the Apostles’ Creed, and homoeroticism the mark of a youth liberated from conventional mores. “Coming out” is almost a holy ritual, very nearly the equivalent of a bar mitzvah or first communion in the Jewish and Christian faiths. Nothing should be permitted to interfere with those first sexual stirrings of youth. Certainly no therapist should attempt to “convert” any youth experiencing attraction to the same sex to heterosexuality. That would be abusive.

Churches need to wake up and see the implications of the new “conversion therapy” laws. They need to see that they are up against a deeply religious sex cult determined to exterminate Christian mores, attack religious liberties, and suppress free speech. If they don’t rise up to resist the inroads of radical progressivism, if they do not take measures to protect Christian therapists, pastors, and youth leaders, the Church will be increasingly be sidelined. The Church risks being eventually banned altogether from attempts to convert people to Christianity — just as in Saudi Arabia.

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