From Rebecca Hagelin at
As anti-Americanriots and murderous attackscontinue to erupt across the Middle East, America’s response will be dictated by a man that few Americans really know—Barack Obama.
It’s time to change that.
A new movie, 2016: Obama’s America , is doing just that, breakingbox-office records in the process. Who would have thought a documentary, in the midst of a tight economy, would draw record crowdsto America’s theatres?
But a documentary is a story, and this one has a compelling message, and it’s been my honor to help promote it. Americans are flocking to the theatres to learn the truth about Barack Obama—the man—and at the influences that have shaped him and the worldview that now threatens our children’s futures. Rising to number three in box office receipts last week, also has leapt past all but one of liberal film-maker Michael Moore’s heavily-promoted liberal documentaries and now holds the number twoslot on the all-time list of political documentaries.
What’s the film’s message? That Barack Obama’s ideology, his mindset, his dreams, and his perspective on America inevitably reflect the rabid anti-colonialism of his Kenyan father and radical mother. As a result, from his student years on into adulthood, Barack Obama has purposefully sought the counsel and mentorship of five men known for their Marxist perspectives, anti-American rants, and, in the case of Bill Ayers, their terrorist activities here in America.