Since not enough information gets to enough people — not even conservatives — this list of facts is helpful for those uninformed about some of Donald Trump’s policy positions:
I seriously doubt anything at this juncture will convince the die-hard #NeverTrump peeps to vote for The Donald over The Hildebeest.
Some appear implacable when it comes to The Combover Candidate.
However, I’m guessing that there are a few who fought against Trump in the primaries who might not sport the deep animus some have developed for Donald.
It’s those to whom I’d like to parlay these three nuggets that came across my path last week for their consideration.
The first of the following three ditties addresses the idea that “Trump’s not conservative” and it comes via Don Fredrick who posted on Facebook, “for all those who say Donald J. Trump is not a Conservative” Don asks …
Securing our borders is not conservative?
Tightening visa controls is not conservative?
Ending sanctuary cities is not conservative?
Keeping out refugees who may be infiltrated by jihadists willing to poison a major city’s water supply is not conservative?
Wanting to deport illegal immigrants who commit felonies is not conservative?
Wanting to eliminate the Department of Education and return control to the states and communities is not conservative?
Wanting to support law enforcement officers is not conservative?
Wanting Europe, Japan, and South Korea to pay more for the defense we provide them is not conservative?
Wanting Europe to pay their fair share for NATO is not conservative?
Wanting the United Nations to not be the Anti-Israel Nations is not conservative?
Wanting to reduce the U.S. share of funding for the United Nations is not conservative?
Wanting to move the U.S embassy from Tel Aviv to Israel’s capital, Jerusalem, is not conservative?
Wanting to cut corporate taxes and regulations to keep businesses and jobs in the United States is not conservative?
Wanting to cut taxes on middle-class families is not conservative?
Wanting to slash or eliminate the estate tax to save family farms and businesses is not conservative?
Wanting to eliminate ObamaCare is not conservative?
Wanting to allow the sale of health insurance across state lines is not conservative?
Wanting to improve health care for returning veterans is not conservative?
Wanting a tougher stance on foreign trade to help American workers is not conservative?
Wanting to avoid “nation-building” and wars when the United States is not being threatened is not conservative?
By the way, the aforementioned is way more conservative than anything I remember George W, McCain, or precious Mitt ever doing or proposing and did you #NeverTrump people vote for either of those tres amigos?
Doug has a lot more in this post — continue reading at Clash Daily.