Demolishing the False Premise of Single-Payer

If you want to understand the problems with the false premise of single-payer health care, the place to go is the Galen Institute, Grace-Marie Turner, and a new book by Sally C. Pipes, False Premise, False Promise: The Disastrous Reality of Medicare for All. Here is Grace-Marie Turner writing in a new email from Galen and :

The Iowa caucus debacle has Sen. Bernie Sanders neck-in-neck with South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg—each apparently on track to win 11 delegates on Tuesday.

But Bernie appears to be ahead in the actual vote totals, saying he garnered at least 6,000 more caucus votes than Mayor Pete.

And that spells trouble for health care.

Bernie has offered his socialized health care scheme year after year. As recently as 2013, he didn’t have a single cosponsor for his I-wrote-the-damn bill. Now, more than a dozen U.S. senators are co-sponsoring his Medicare for All bill, including several current and former Democratic presidential candidates.

For decades, socialized medicine has had only lukewarm support among the electorate. But that has changed. As recently as last summer, 72%of Democrats supported the scheme.

All this is chronicled in Sally Pipes new book, False Premise. False Promise. Sally is, of course, the authority on socialized medicine, having been born and raised under Canada’s government run-single payer system. Now president of the prestigious Pacific Research Institute, she brings facts and clear-eyed reality to its failings in a book that “is a must-read for those who want to stop single-payer health care from coming to America,” according to entrepreneurial guru Andy Puzder.

Art Laffer, supply-side economist par excellence, says, “Death and taxes may be certain, but not Medicare for All, thanks to Sally’s new book.”

Steve Forbes says “a single-payer scheme in America would have horrific consequences for the health of just about everyone. It would also kill innovation.”

Read more: American Healthcare Choices