Note: What happens when a state buys the liberal dream hook, line and sinker? That question is being answered here in Illinois as our taxes increase, our population declines, and our governor continues to mortgage our future by borrowing to meet a budget that instead should be slashed. The following excerpts are from a post which outlines the tale of Detroit, an example that is a lesson for us all.
The Heritage Foundation
Posted By Mike Brownfield on March 24, 2011
What happens when a city buys the liberal dream hook, line and sinker? Just take a look at the City of Detroit. The once-great city lost 237,493 residents over the last decade according to the 2010 Census, bringing it to 713,777 – a population plunge of 25%…
For the record, Detroit has been under liberal leadership for decades. And the city’s big problem today is that its road forward is blocked by the very same political machine that helped deliver it to its state of ruin…
A state-appointed emergency financial manager has proposed sweeping changes to the city’s public school system, including a plan to convert 41 of the city’s schools to charter schools. Guess who’s opposed to the reforms? The [Detroit Federation of Teachers]…
“[T]he real class war today is between government and the people who pay for it. And the government’s been winning.”