Faith, Family & Freedom: Illinois Family Action

If you’re looking for a place to engage during this election season and beyond, I highly recommend contacting Illinois Family Action (IFA), a non-profit and tax-exempt legislative action arm of the Illinois Family Institute.

IFA was founded in 2010:

[T]o promote the common good and general welfare, primarily by means of education and direct and grassroots lobbying… Illinois Family Action is a 501(c)(4), non-profit political advocacy and lobbying organization and is dedicated to preserving and advancing the interests of family, faith, and freedom in the political arena.

David E. Smith is IFA’s Executive Director.

Illinois Family Action encourages conservative Christian citizens to step up and become more active in our electoral process. Whether it is running for precinct committeeman to help get out the vote for conservative candidates, volunteering as a poll watcher to prevent voter fraud, or serving as an election judge to ensure honest voting, there are a handful of important tasks that must be done if we hope to make a difference in our state.

To not engage in the political process, Smith explains, is to “abandon the governing of our communities” to those who do not share our values.

In recent months, Illinois Family Action has posted a series of articles about ways more citizens can get involved, with an emphasis on the “why” and the “how.”

Here are the titles of some of their articles posted at the IFA website:

Serving As Poll Watcher: You Too Can Help Prevent Voter Fraud
Serving As An Election Judge: A One Day Commitment To Honest Voting
What Can I Do? You Can Run For Precinct Committeeman
What a Precinct Committeeman Is, and Why Conservatives Need to Run for the Office Precinct Committeemen
Precinct Committeemen and The Unavoidable Work of a Political Party

For more information, visit or call 708-781-9371.