Feminist Camille Paglia is a strong Bernie Sanders supporter and one of my favorite Lefties. Seriously. She’s right about a lot of things and is good for America’s political left. They should listen to her.
Setting that aside, conservatives still have to learn how to fight and win the information war — the destruction of “journalism” by Leftists isn’t enough. Americans need to learn the facts. They won’t if conservatives don’t bring the information to them.
Here is Annabel Scott writing at CNS News — after that is the audio excerpt:
On his nationally syndicated radio talk show program Tuesday, host Sean Hannity spoke with feminist professor Camille Paglia about the violent rhetoric that has engulfed the mainstream media, Paglia suggesting, “There’s no journalism left.”
“It’s obscene,” said Camille Paglia. “It’s outrageous. Okay? It shows that the Democrats are nothing now but words and fantasy and hallucination and Hollywood. Okay? There’s no journalism left.
Below is a transcript of Sean Hannity and Camille Paglia’s comments from the show Tuesday
Hannity: “What do you make of all of the violent rhetoric? I mean, for example, I—”
Paglia: “It’s obscene. It’s outrageous. Okay? It shows that the Democrats are nothing now but words and fantasy and hallucination and Hollywood. Okay? There’s no journalism left. What’s happened — okay — to The New York Times? What’s happened to the major networks? This is an outrage.
“I’m a professor of media studies, in addition to a professor of humanities, okay? And I think it’s absolutely grotesque the way my party has destroyed journalism. Right now, it’s going to take decades to recover from this atrocity that’s going on, where the news media have turned themselves over into the most childish fraternity, kind of buffoonish behavior.”
. . .
“Well, journalism has really collapsed, partly because of the arrival of the web, which I adore. I love writing for the web, but as the different cities, you know, the regional newspapers have floundered and in some cases disappeared. What we’re getting now is this concentration of news reporting coming from the coasts — okay — which is really bad. Okay? We’re not getting the kind of voices of the Heartland that we used to.
Read more: CNS News