Flee from Public School Pornogogues Pronto

From Laurie Higgins:

Providence College English professor, Anthony Esolen, has done it again. He’s written another must-read piece, this time an impassioned plea to Christian parents to pull their children out of public schools.

Esolen importunes parents to fulfill our God-given obligation to train up our children in the way they should go, which means removing our children from what Esolen describes as the “poisonous fog” of public schools where “pornogogues” hold our children’s minds in their depraved ideological grip.

The fact that we continue to place our most precious gifts in toxic public schools for seven hours a day, five days a week for their most crucial formative years is testament to our own lack of wisdom.

For several decades, there have been a relatively small number of Christians warning the church about the cultural degradation and oppression that is coming, and most Christians sashayed on about their worldly business with at best a momentary furrowed brow and at worst  embarrassment to be associated with contemporary prophets and embrace of worldly beliefs.

The intellectual laziness, selfishness, pride, ignorance, and cowardice of many Christians have coalesced into an anemic, effete faith. We are women and men without chests or spines. We practice a faith fed by watered down milk and then send our children to public schools that feed them tainted crumbs. And then we wonder why our youth are rejecting biblical orthodoxy in large numbers.

No more sashaying, people. No more private brow-furrowing. And definitely relinquish your profligate embrace of the harlot.

The fact that we continue to place our most precious gifts in toxic public schools seven hours a day, five days a week for their most crucial formative years is testament to our own lack of wisdom. Christians need to wake up now. We need to pull our kids out of public schools, and churches need to help make this possible.

Here’s your splash of cold water from the inestimable Anthony Esolen:

Readers of LifeSiteNews are aware of the lawsuit brought by Dr. Steve Tourloukis of Hamilton, Ontario, against the Hamilton-Wentworth school board. He is a devout member of the Orthodox Church, and he wants to be told when the school plans to introduce to his children sexual material that he finds objectionable. The school board does not want to yield. They are standing on principles, such as those are. They believe they are “co-parents,” and that “children have a right to an inclusive education,” which means, simply, they have a “right” to be educated into complete sexual indifference and chaos. For the inclusivity is notably rigid and uniform.

We should step back from the specifics of this case to consider just what is going on, and what we should do about it.

Read more: IllinoisFamily.org