I wrote the follow articles back in 2009 — and the content still applies. From working in Lee Atwater’s RNC in D.C. and then in several local organizations, I have taken the time to figure out what the GOP is currently and can be with the right leadership.
1. An Introduction: A political party in name only
2. Looking for the missing political links since 1994
3. Why a real Grand Old Party must be constructed
6. Township, ward and county organizations (Part 1)
7. Township, ward and county organizations (Part 2)
8. Personnel makes all the difference
9. Personnel — A variety of talents are needed
10. Personnel — A house cleaning is in order
11. Defending and promoting the party platform
12. Local leadership is needed
13. Impacting local and regional public opinion
14. After the Tea Parties, it’s time to take over the GOP
15. Tapping into “that something different” in the American fabric
16. Diagnosing the health of your local GOP organization
17. Taking it to the streets — the left gets it, the right doesn’t
18. Endorsements, and the role of the party & legislative caucus campaign committees