Yet another important video from Prager University — this one is about Google:
Is Google open to a diverse array of viewpoints? Or is it an ideological echo chamber? Just ask former Google software engineer James Damore. He was fired for disagreeing with Google’s (left-wing) orthodoxy. In this video, James shares his story.
From the transcript:
I used to be a senior software engineer at Google. Until they fired me.
For doing something unforgivable…
Something so controversial that it was the number one news story for days.
My crime: I wrote an internal document that, among other things, suggested that men and women, on average, are different.
Like I told you: Unforgivable.
The politically progressive viewpoint, which is dominant at Google and in the media, is that all disparities in society are due to injustices. Or, in this case, that the gender gap in tech is solely due to some form of sexism.
But is this true?
The politically correct answer is: yes. And Google acts accordingly. It treats men and women differently during hiring and promotion, holds official women-only events, and gives mandatory sensitivity training on how to combat alleged sexist bias.
Of course, all of this makes sense if sexism is indeed the sole cause of the imbalance.
But what if men and women are not exactly the same?
Then, sexism is just one of many possible causes of the imbalance, and exclusionary programs and differential treatment can be a counterproductive form of sexism. These practices actually increase tensions and make some feel like Google cares more about their gender than their programming ability.
As an engineer, when I’m faced with a problem, I want to solve it. So, I decided to research the premise: that men and women are exactly the same.
I wrote my findings in a 10-page document titled, “Google’s Ideological Echo Chamber.” You can read it online.
Read more: Prager University