Within the past couple days, the Illinois Family Institute and the Topinka Tattler listed bullet points comparing and contrasting the two major party candidates for Illinois governor this November. As a public service we reprint them here. Obviously there is some overlap.
From the Illinois Family Institute:
- Blagojevich issued an executive order allowing health coverage for the “domestic partners” of homosexual state workers; Topinka criticized the move, but only on fiscal grounds;
- Like Blagojevich, is pro-abortion.
- Both Topinka and Blagojevich support state recognition of “civil unions”–homosexual “marriage” by another name;
- Both Topinka and Blagojevich field delegations every year in Chicago’s homosexual “pride” parade;
- Both Topinka and Blagojevich supported Illinois’ new homosexual/transgender “sexual orientation” law, SB 3186, which became law on January 1st of this year; and
Both candidates campaign with and accept the help of homosexual activist groups.
From the Topinka Tattler:
Here is what we do know about Topinka’s positions:
- Like Blagojevich, is pro-abortion.
- Like Blagojevich, opposes President Bush and the Republican Platform on the need to constitutionally protect traditional marriage.
- Like Blagojevich, supports special rights for homosexuals.
- Like Blagojevich, says “no one should be discriminated against” but can’t explain why this should not be taken as an endorsement of gay marriage (many gay couples obviously view inability to marry as discrimination).
- Like Blagojevich, thinks the “morning after pill” should be available without a prescription.
- Like Blagojevich, supports government funding of embryonic stem cell research.
- Like Blagojevich, has her own entry each year in Chicago’s Gay Pride Parade.
- Like Blagojevich, agrees that illegal immigrants should be able to obtain a driver’s license.
- Like Blagojevich, takes campaign money from contractors doing business with her state office.
- Like Blagojevich, helps Democrats more than Republicans.
- Unlike Blagojevich, has no internal Inspector General even looking for corruption in her state office.
- Unlike Blagojevich, no evidence that she has even attempted to implement a “blind” hiring system to end political influence on state jobs.
- Unlike Blagojevich, won’t promise not to raise taxes.
- Unlike Blagojevich, wants to increase the number of state workers.
- Unlike Blagojevich, helped undermine a U.S. Senator for picking a corruption fighting U.S. Attorney.
- Unlike Blagojevich, has an excellent relationship with Democrat Chicago Ward Boss Dick Mell.
- Unlike Blagojevich, has demonstrated an obsession with the private life of others – as in the case of Jack Ryan.
- Unlike Blagojevich, has worked to remove delegate candidates supporting her Party’s Presidential nominee from the ballot.
- Unlike Blagojevich, has attempted to tell activists of her own Party to “cease and desist” calling themselves “Republican.”
- Unlike Blagojevich, destroys the Republican Party from the inside.