Hillary’s America, and ours

Here is Doris O’Brien writinga about Dinesh D’Souza’s new film:

It was an unusually hot and humid Sunday in the Southland. So when a friend called and suggested I accompany her to see the latest Dinesh D’Souza film, Hillary’s America, at an air-conditioned theater complex in a nearby town, I jumped at the chance.

The parking lot was filled with moviegoers’ cars. But the theater in which the D’Souza film was playing was practically empty. In the sea of seats, there were maybe a dozen people, the youngest of whom were a middle-aged couple. One might say there were more walkers than runners in that theater, an observation that unfortunately mirrors a sad fact of life – or possibly death – for the GOP.

Movie trailers aired on TV suggest that this D’Souza movie ranks among the all-time popular documentaries. But it obviously didn’t garner that kind of rating in the liberal stronghold suburbs of Los Angeles. I’ve heard tales of people showing up to see it only to be told that the numbers of viewers hadn’t been sufficient, so the film was no longer being shown.

Hillary’s America was interesting and informative, if overly long. Much of the narrative was spent historically debunking the claims of the Democrats as the party of freedom, equality, opportunity, and hope. The second part of the documentary chronicled the treacherous trajectory carved by Bill and Hillary Clinton in the course of their long years in public office and in private life. Having been in the audience at Hillary Rodham’s graduation from Wellesley, I relived that infuriating incident in which she, as class representative, rudely dissed the commencement speaker, Edward Brooke – a self-made man, war hero, and the first black popularly elected to the U.S. Senate since Reconstruction days.

Read more: American Thinker