Talk about slow learners. Some of us have been calling for this since “Hillary Care” was pushed in the early 1990s. Better late than never — but earlier would’ve been better. From the NCPA:
Republicans are building consensus around an alternative to ObamaCare that will hopefully lead to the bill’s revocation. Rising costs following the initial stages of ObamaCare implementation demonstrate that the necessity for reform is greater than ever, says Joel Gehrke, a commentary writer for the Washington Examiner.
- In 2009, an estimated 30 percent of health care spending was money wasted, totaling over $750 billion, including $210 billion for unnecessary services and $190 billion for excessive administrative costs.
- To reduce costs, Republicans are coalescing around two ideas: reducing the third-party payment system in health care and providing patients with additional information related to health care quality and cost.
- ObamaCare furthers the current third-party insurance system by forcing more of the uninsured into the exchanges to receive insurance coverage.
John C. Goodman, president and CEO of the National Center for Policy Analysis, says that Americans mainly pay for the care the same way people all over the developed world pay for care at the time they receive it — with time, not money.