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It’s always fun to see failed politicians endorsing other failed politicians. The cast of characters in Illinois endorsing Mitt Romney provides a good example. Here are just two names. First…
The top Republican in the Illinois Senate says she’s backing Mitt Romney in next week’s primary election.
Senate Minority Leader Christine Radogno of Lemont says he’s the best candidate to unite Republicans and win the White House in November.
I’ve lost track how long Radogno has been in the state senate or how long she’s been the minority leader. It’s not easy to keep track because that caucus presents no vision to Illinois voters, and apart from the occasional perfunctory newspapers quotes, Radogno and her fellow caucus members are invisible.
Afternoon update: This article tells us the expected – state house minority leader Tom Cross also endorses Romney. Cross is in his 9th year as leader. Ninth! Ditto comments above re his leadership.
Former U.S. House Speaker Dennis Hastert…kicked off a string of Mitt Romney endorsement events throughout Illinois Wednesday with a morning stop at the Aurora Municipal Airport in Sugar Grove.
So the worst Republican Speaker of the U.S. House in American history endorses Romney. The two deserve each other. Here’s just one of the articles posted here about Hastert’s disastrous tenure.
Regarding Newt, Hastert said this:
“You’ll find that the people who worked with Gingrich at that time don’t really trust him, there’s always a doubt there of where this guy is going to go.”
Newt got far more done for conservative principles in his four years as Speaker than Hastert did during his eight, so this quote is laughable.
Here’s an excerpt from a recent email from U.S. Senator Jim DeMint:
Fellow Conservatives:
Let’s be honest. One of the reasons our country is in such trouble right now is because too many Republicans in Washington were unwilling to fight for our principles. They thought by supporting more spending on new entitlement programs and corporate bailouts they would win swing voters and protect themselves from liberal attacks.
They were wrong.
Instead, each time Republicans abandoned the principles of freedom they claimed to support, voters lost trust in the Party and kicked many out of office.
DeMint is, of course, right. That’s why sending Romney to the White House would be a huge mistake.