Don’t it make ya proud? Seriously, though, how could Republicans in this state continue to lose to the Democrats whose work leads to news articles like this one? Those who read this website already know the answer: Gross incompetence.
From the Huffington Post (a liberal website, yes, but they’re reporting on the work of fellow liberals in Illinois):
A report released Thursday by the state’s Auditor General claimed that Illinois’ ever-bulging budget deficit is “easily” the nation’s worst.
Illinois Auditor General William Holland reports that the state’s budget deficit has more than doubled over the last five years and currently stands at $43.8 billion, WBEZ reports.
Because Holland’s report was based on the Illinois State Comptroller’s comprehensive report for fiscal year 2011, the Associated Press notes that it is a year out of date. Some improvement was actually shown, as the state’s deficit in its general revenue fund dropped $700 million to $8.1 billion.