Imagine this scenario: a state in the union with a direction-less, idea-less, and principle-lacking Republican party. Now imagine that in that same state’s largest city resides the nation’s best state-level think tank.
Can you conjure that up in your imagination? You don’t have to. It’s the case right here in the Land of Lincoln. Illinois is home to not only one of the most bankrupt Republican Parties in the nation – it’s the home of the Heartland Institute.
The Chicago-based Heartland Institute, founded in 1984, is now recognized by state legislators around the nation as the premier source for good state policy ideas. Heartland’s website is fantastic – a literal answer to prayer for those seeking to find conservative solutions to public policy problems.
The Institute’s monthly publications – Budget & Tax News, Environment News, Health Care News, and School Reform News – are mailed to every state legislator in the country every month.
That includes Illinois’ 80 Republican state legislators.
Fortunately not all of them put those publications right into the recycling bin. State Senator Chris Lauzen, for one, isn’t among the clueless. And there are a few others. The rest still grope in the dark, afraid of even the shadow of an idea.
On this point we could go on and on — but enough has been said.
It’s July but school is always open at the Heartland Institute. We encourage Illinois Republicans to enroll. ASAP.
The learning can begin by clicking here: