Two items from the web today – first, an op ed by Rick Santorum at – here’s an excerpt:
[M]itt Romney’s views differ from those of most conservatives in this country. He does believe that government – both at the state and at the federal level – possesses the right to dictate to individuals what they must purchase. RomneyCare includes an individual mandate that functions exactly like ObamaCare’s individual mandate. And, beyond that, Mitt Romney penned an Op-Ed in 2009 for USA Today, in which he encouraged President Obama to adopt his state’s individual mandate. He boasted that the individual mandate is an effective way to encourage people to take responsibility for their own health care.
The 2012 election is about one central philosophic point: How big of a federal government do we want and is that where the solutions lie to the challenges that face America? Do we share the Obama-Romney view that government possesses vast and broad powers to dictate anything it pleases? Or do we prefer the view of our founding fathers and the authors of the Constitution? Do we embrace the status quo, which is good for the establishment, but not good for America? Or do we once again, correct our course, and embrace the inalienable rights endowed by our creator of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and the pursuit of a better America?
I bet Rick would like to have back his disgusting endorsement of Romney from four years ago. Then, like now, Rick needed better advisers.
Second – another press release from conservative pioneer Richard Viguerie:
Conservatives Reject Establishment GOP Pressure for Romney
MANASSAS, Va., March 27, 2012 — Rick Santorum’s big win in Louisiana, where he crushed Mitt Romney almost 2 to 1, was powered by grassroots conservatives, not big name Republican Party endorsements, said Richard A. Viguerie, Chairman of
“In Louisiana, grassroots movement conservative voters rejected the pressure from establishment Republican insiders and big name Washington operators who want to end the contest for the Republican presidential nomination before the Tampa GOP Convention,” said Viguerie.
“Principled conservatives at the national, state, and local levels, as well as Tea Party activists, are ignoring the calls by GOP politicians to forget your principles and support the moderate Romney,” he said.
“In the wake of Rick Santorum’s Louisiana win, principled conservatives are prepared to fight all the way to the floor of the Republican National Convention in Tampa to nominate a Republican presidential candidate who reflects their views and values.”
“Like the activists who rode the Tea Party wave to victory in 2010, these values voters are inspired to support Rick Santorum, not by establishment GOP elected officials and party insiders, but by conservative movement leaders and activists such as Gary Bauer, Dr. James Dobson, Richard Scarborough, Michelle Malkin, Star Parker, and Penny Young Nance.”
“Rick Santorum is no stranger to the conservative movement — he is one of us. He walks with us, eats with us, and prays with us. He has celebrated our victories and mourned our losses for many years, not just when he wants our votes.”
“Conservative support for Rick is reaching critical mass. The majority of national, state, and local conservative movement leaders, as well as grassroots conservative activists, are coming off the sidelines and uniting behind Rick Santorum and are prepared to support him all the way to Tampa,” said Viguerie.
God help us avoid a Romney nomination. And yes, that is my prayer. For the sake of the country and the GOP.