Liberalism’s Fake Sense of Morality

That’s exactly what it is — “a fake sense of morality” — here is Susan Stamper Brown writing at

Liberals constantly stake a claim to some religion-free moral high ground, which is laughable considering liberalism’s ideology is immoral at its core. Since November of last year, leftists have been too blinded by inane hatred for Trump to see the irony.

Sure, there are liberals out there who lead decent lives and you can find some on the other side who don’t. Difference is, though, the longer a liberal remains liberal, the harder it is for them to see the light…the truth…that all their ideology does is cover them with a cloak of morality.

The false sense of morality gives them license to live a life filled with double standards. What’s wrong is wrong, right? No. Their skewed perception of right and wrong allows them to believe it’s okay to do wrong, but it’s not okay for those on the right, both religious and secular. Which is why they found it perfectly acceptable for recent women’s marches, supposedly protesting a decade-old nasty Trump joke, to chant obscenities through a microphone and put on a display of vulgarity, filthy enough to make even Trump blush.

As a wise person once said: “There are none so blind as those who will not see.”

Enough already with the fake moral outrage.

Clear and simple, liberals hate Trump because he beat Hillary Clinton. Period. End of story. They are so overcome by anger and hatred, they fail to realize that until recently, Trump could have been their candidate.

I say “until recently” because Trump is transitioning…transforming…changing. Prayer works, and Trump’s blanketed…covered with it. Surrounding himself with some incredibly adept advisors doesn’t hurt either.

Another huge factor in this evolution is that with each fake news report or violent riot or piece of leaked information – Trump is becoming less like a liberal and more like Ronald Reagan. Who Trump was during the primaries is not who he is today.

Liberals can’t handle that this immoral man received a moral mandate to do what is right for America.

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