Lobbyists Get Public Pensions in Missouri and Illinois

CBS St. LouisLadies and gentlemen, it doesn’t get any more corrupt and stupid than this. From CBS St. Louis:

It’s an eye-opening story for Missouri and Illinois taxpayers.

It turns out Missouri and Illinois are among twenty states that have provided taxpayer money to give some lobbyists state pensions.

Legislators, decades ago, let that happen claiming lobbyists served governments and the public. But after many have pointed out they often have positions that conflict with taxpayers, theres a call to end the practice. Some have even called for legislation to get the money back.

Missouri House Government Oversight Committee Chair Jay Barnes doesn’t think thats possible. “We can’t go back and undo whats already been done and we shouldn’t.” Barnes told the KMOX Jefferson City Bureau “going forward we should close the door and make sure taxpayer funded pensions dont go to high priced lobbyists.”

Illinois is one of those twenty states that provided pensions to lobbyists as well and legislation is already being considered there to end the practice.