For many years columnist Thomas Sowell has put together posts titled “Random Thoughts.” contributor Mark Landsbaum has done something similar with his recent article “Just a Few Thoughts.” Here are a few excerpts from it:
Why since 1991 have Americans bought 170 million guns and crime has declined 51 percent, but what we hear about instead is a nut case homosexual racist who legally bought a gun and murdered two TV journalists? Therefore, legally purchased guns cause crime? Huh?
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In 38 states, untaxed welfare benefits are more generous than average starting salaries for a secretary, says the Cato Institute. In three states, welfare pays more than entry-level computer programmers. In 34 states, welfare pays better than minimum wage. In Hawaii, you’d have to earn $60,590 before taxes to make more than untaxed welfare benefits.
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What religion forces unbelievers to conform to its doctrine, forces conversion to its way of thinking and uses the government to punish the unfaithful? Nope, not Islam. Not here anyway. Not yet anyway. Try secular humanism.
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There really are no atheists. There are those who worship the true God, and those who worship idols of their own making, whether it’s something carved from stone, or themselves, their lusts or fanciful utopias.
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More than half of U.S. immigrants are on some form of welfare. How many would be on welfare if immigrants weren’t allowed to collect it? Yeah, none. How many would even be immigrants? As Milton Freidman said, you can’t have open borders in a welfare state. You might as well hang a sign at the border, “Y’all come! Belly up to the counter, it’s all you can eat!”
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