Mark Levin’s Plunder and Deceit

Here’s the first part of Thomas Lifson’s review of Mark Levin’s new book Pluner and Deceit:

Once again Mark Levin, the constitutional scholar and radio talk show host, has written an important book that should be in the library of every thoughtful conservative. But this book is different, in that thoughtful conservatives should buy multiple copies and bestow the extras on younger people they care about. For in its essence, this book is a call to arms for the generation that will inherit the wreckage being created by what Levin calls the “ruling generation” – the holders of political power and those who sustain them in office. The younger age cohorts are the people whose future has been “plundered” (Levin’s choice of title is apt) by the policies advanced by progressives and acquiesced to by establishment Republicans.

The “deceit” part of the title comes into play in the way that the plunder has been disguised through artful choice of labels (the Social Security ‘trust fund” that doesn’t exist), misdirection (focusing on the “rights” of those who trespass across our border) and unwillingness to face facts by the political class and the media and academic power structures.

Levin explains the plunder and vanquishes the deceit in a series of lucidly presented and meticulously documented chapters arranged by thematic topics. The first of these following the introduction, Chapter Two, is titled “On The Debt,” and explains to the rising generations how they will be in perpetual servitude to the debt being handed to them by generations that would rather spend and borrow than live within their means. Levin presents this as a moral problem as articulated by Dr. Walter Williams: “We’ve become an immoral people demanding that Congress forcibly use one American to serve the purposes of another. Deficits and runaway national debt are merely symptoms of the real problem.” The ruling generation of the political class has, in effect, bribed voters to keep them in power, by mortgaging the future of those who have not yet woken up to what is being done to them by their elders. Included in this chapter is the burden students forced to borrow money for college, a subject he returns to in Chapter Five.

Read more: American Thinker