Michelle Wolf’s Performance Provokes Exactly The Kind Of America She Hates

Stella Morabito’s theory here sounds about right regarding people like Michelle Wolf — here is the lede:

As I watched Michelle Wolf perform her treatment on America the other night, I couldn’t help but wonder if some kind of dysfunction got her to this point.

Here is an excerpt from the article under the subheading “Some People Cling Bitterly to Their Resentments”:

[A]s I watched Wolf perform her treatment on America the other night, I couldn’t help but wonder if some kind of dysfunction and abuse in life got her to this point. Or maybe she was simply a badly spoiled child, which often gives birth to that mean-girl craving for abusing others. Was she transferring her bitterness onto us, or projecting her own intentions? I have no idea. But her behavior and act were not rational in any sense. I think the term “feral” best sums it up.

I’m not going to complain that Wolf was cruel and weird and screechy and humorless, although all of that is true. She slapped up White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders—figuratively, but hard across the face. I could even see that same sense of weird marvel in Sanders’ reaction that I felt when Nedra did it to me.

She slapped Kellyanne Conway too, and any woman whom Wolf felt should come back for further “treatment.” And prior to Wolf’s act, she whined that President Trump was a “coward” for not submitting to her treatment. Go figure.

No, Wolf’s performance represents something much more insidious and soulless than another bout of sarcasm masquerading as comedy. Sure, it fell flat with many viewers. Those who thoroughly enjoyed it are fellow travelers with Wolf who live within her bandwidth and have voracious appetites for schadenfreude.

I’m not sure what planet such folks come from. It’s hard to understand people who like constant mindless insults laced with obscenities, who expect a certain word starting with “f-u” must always be translated as “f-u-n-n-y.” Yet, just when we thought comedy couldn’t get any lower and more tiresomely shocking, we get such an act.

Read more: The Federalist

Image credit: www.thefederalist.com.