Millionaires, Billionaires, and Teachers

It’s called corruption, folks. And if you want to read more about the Illinois version of this scam check out Bill Zettler’s work here. The following is from American Thinker:

Our President likes to use the phrase “millionaires and billionaires.” A person whose net worth is $1 million or more is a “millionaire.”

Most of us working stiffs have trouble thinking in terms of net worth; we are more used to the concept of annual salary. How does net worth translate into annual income, or vice versa? In round numbers, the annual income equivalent is 4% of an investment nest egg. So if you have $1 million socked away, consider that to be equal to $40,000 income every year.

Now this “4% rule” is based on a planning horizon of about 30 years, meaning it is used primarily for retirement planning, or people over 50. If you’re young, you should probably go with, say, government bond yields. Today’s 30-year US bonds yield about 2.8%. So if you are more like 30 years old, your $1 million life savings is more like an annual income of $28,000.

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