The liberal wing of the Republican Party in Illinois never hesitates to attack or abandon conservatives (think Jack Ryan). That doesn’t stop them from demanding unity and loyalty from conservatives for one of their own. And should a conservative policy organization inquire about the non-personal POLICY positions of a liberal Republican, the Illinois GOP social policy lefties shriek like stuck pigs.
This past week Illinois Family Action told the truth about GOP state senate candidate Arie Friedman’s Barack Obama-like pro-abortion stance (see articles here, here and here). In predictable fashion, liberal Republicans had a fit. “Circular firing squad,” they cry! In other words, platform-supporting Republicans are not allowed to point out the truth.
Yes, Friedman is running in a wacky part of the state—the part of far northeastern Illinois where there is no greater sacrament than preserving the ability of rich women to kill their unborn children. If you want to get elected there then you have to kowtow—or you will be politically lynched.
I’ve met Arie Friedman on a number of occasions and was impressed with him. At that time he was considering a run for the U.S. Senate in 2014. He’s a medical doctor and seemed to have an above-average intellect when compared to most Republican candidates in Illinois. But I didn’t do any official vetting. The fact that Friedman has chosen to side with North Shore women instead of the Old Testament and the Declaration of Independence (and the Republican Party platform) on the issue of life is a huge disappointment. As is usually the case, he’s clearly not as smart as I thought.
This episode during which Friedman’s past reticence about his pro-abort position raises other questions. Where does Republican candidate Arie Friedman stand on the following?
- ENDA (learn more here)
- SNDA (learn more here)
- DADT (learn more here and here)
- DOMA (learn more here)
- “Hate crime” legislation (learn more here and here)
- Civil union legislation (learn more here)
- Same-sex marriage (learn more here)
- An Illinois marriage amendment
- Comprehensive sex ed (learn more here and here)
- “Bullying” legislation (learn more here and here)
Also, what is his position on the lawsuits pending against the Cook County clerk for refusing to issue marriage licenses to homosexual couples?
Republican voters deserve to know how he would have voted on those pieces of legislation that have passed and how he would vote if such legislation were to be introduced.
I realize some small-minded, excuse-filled RINOs would like to hide behind the idea that a couple of the bullets listed above are federal issues. Unfortunately for them, we live in an era when the Republican Party has participated fully in making every state issue a federal issue. In addition, many of those running for state offices view their tenure in Springfield as a way station on their path to Congress (think Barack Obama). Sorry guys, there’s no escape.
It’s called leadership, Arie. If you’re listening to consultants telling you to hide your social liberalism, stop. Come out of the closet and tell us where you stand. It’ll be revealed eventually, despite what some political hacks want you to believe. Effective leadership requires character, and honesty is central to character.