I’ve been saying it for a decade now—you can’t save the public schools. Forget reform. Parents need to be given the power to remove their children and spend the tax money elsewhere. It’s called liberty, it’s called freedom. As this website continues to chronicle, an education revolution is well underway and the kids are the beneficiaries. Learning has to be the goal, not nice pay and pensions for adults who, despite all of their graduate degrees, can’t quite figure out that you need a learning environment in order to learn and the vast majority of the public schools fail to provide it.
From Mission America:
Looking at the 2012 Representative Assembly of the nation’s largest teachers’ organization, the National Education Association, here’s a quick summary of the union’s priorities –or not. They refuse to consider some issues important, even life and death matters, yet take a look at what they focus on instead as important issues in “education” and what their millions of dollars of teachers’ dues will be used to support:
- They DEFEATED an amendment to Resolution I-13, which stated, “The Association will oppose any efforts to promote gender-based discrimination through sex-selection abortion.” It was defeated soundly with a voice vote. So this group APPROVES of abortions of girls just because they are girls, and boys just because they are boys.
- They PASSED a New Business Item D on “Social Justice” which highlighted ethnic minority issues and then proceeded to imply that homosexuality is like race, by incorporating the need for a “dialogue” on the “unique issues of LGBTQ” students and teachers. Many other leftist concerns were piled into this measure, including “partnering with other progressive organizations to expand our collective voice in aggressively addressing these injustices: voter suppression, cultural competence, language and cultural preservation, equity and opportunity, racial profiling, the prison pipeline, immigration reform, and discrimination against LGBTQ ethnic minorities.”