I haven’t read it yet but it’s on my short list. Author Jason Mattera was a guest on Dennis Miller’s radio show the other day and he sounds like someone who might well help members of his generation wake up to the massive debt and moral decay that is their inheritance.
His new book is “Obama Zombies: How the Liberal Machine Brainwashed My Generation.”
Here is the “Product Description” page from Amazon.com:
“In 2008, Barack Obama lobotomized a generation.
For an entire year, otherwise clear-thinking members of the most affluent, over-educated, information-drenched generation in American history fell prey to the most expensive, hi-tech, laser-focused marketing assault in presidential campaign history.
Twitter messages were machine-gunned to cell phones at mach speed.
Facebook and MySpace groups spread across the Internet like digital fire.
YouTube videos featuring celebrities ricocheted across the globe and into college students’ in-boxes with devastating regularity.
All the while, the mega-money-raising engine whirred like a slot machine stuck on jackpot.
The result: an unthinking mass of young voters marched forward to elect the most radical and untested president in U.S. history.
Recognized as one of the country’s top young conservative activists by Human Events, Jason Mattera created an internet sensation with ambush video interviews that exposed clueless young liberals and cunning Democratic officials. Now he reveals the jaw-dropping lengths Barack Obama and his allies in Hollywood, Washington, and Academia went to in order to transform a legion of iPod-listening, MTV-watching followers into a winning coalition that threatens to become a long-lasting political realignment.
Obama Zombies uncovers the true, behind-the-scenes story of the methods and tactics the Obama campaign unleashed on youth culture. Through personal interviews and meticulous original research, Mattera explains why conservatism’s future rests upon jolting the young masses from their slumber, yanking out their earphones, and sparking a countercultural conservative battle against the rise of the ignorant Left.
The lesson from 2008 is crystal clear: When true conservatives run away, Obama zombies come out to play.”
If you think the author might pull his punches, well, consider these endorsements from two of the hardest punchers out there:
“A heat-seeking missile aimed straight at the Cult of Obama. Explosive, devastating, and rib-crackingly hilarious, Obama Zombies is a must-read for every citizen who cares about protecting freedom for future generations of America. If you know an Obama Zombie who needs awakening, buy this book now!”
-Michelle Malkin, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Culture of Corruption: Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and Cronies
“Jason Mattera is a national treasure. You’ve seen him ambush interview and demolish some of liberalism’s biggest names. Now he’s served our nation yet again by exposing the liberal lunatics who gave us President Obama. Piercing, eye-opening, and deliciously witty, Obama Zombies is required reading for an entire generation who have been sold liberal lies.”
-Ann Coulter, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Guilty: Liberal “Victims” and Their Assault on America
Conservatives need to be fighting on all fronts – including the youth front. I look forward to reading Mattera’s book.