New Year, Old Resolution: Defend Religious Liberty

From Eric Metaxas:

If you’re like six in ten Americans, you make New Year’s resolutions at least some of the time. According to the website Statistic Brain, the top five resolutions are: losing weight, getting organized, spending less and saving more, enjoying life to the fullest, and staying fit and healthy.

Now those are fine resolutions, although they’re all pretty self-directed. But if you’re making resolutions for 2015, let me urge you to consider an old one that hardly makes anyone’s list, but is certainly at the top of mine.

Will you resolve to support religious freedom in 2015? If we don’t do it in this New Year, it just might be too late.

Just think of all that has happened to undermine religious freedom, the first freedom, in 2014. Think about all the Christian bakers and florists who were told to support what are called “same-sex marriages” or face ruinous fines and the loss of their careers.

Or think of Gordon College, a well-regarded evangelical institution that faces the possible loss of accreditation for its biblical beliefs about human sexuality. Gordon President Michael Lindsey, a friend of mine, dared to sign a letter requesting that President Obama include a religious exemption in an executive order that would prohibit discrimination in hiring and employment on the basis of sexual orientation or “gender identity.”

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