Daniel Horowitz has an important post up over at Conservative Review — here are a couple of excerpts — it’s definitely recommended reading. Many Americans, especially those confused by liberal law schools (I attended one so I know what I’m talking about), think the Founders set up the country to be governed by a nine person oligarchy.
Here is Daniel Horowitz’s opening:
“This decision is unfortunately the law of the land.”
Watch for some variation of that statement from prominent GOP figures. They will serve as the most illuminating words of their tenuous careers.
Here’s why.
On such a tragic day for our country and civilization, it is not even worth stooping into the swamp of perverted justice to engage Anthony Kennedy’s incoherent drivel in a debate over jurisprudence. There is no need for an essay explaining why a non-marriage is not a marriage the same way there is no need to explain why a man is not a woman. Yet, we live in a society where such irrationality is not only foisted upon the culture, it is now codified into our Constitution.
We live in a society where such irrationality is not only foisted upon the culture, it is now codified into our Constitution.
However, to briefly summarize the bastardization of our Constitution by 5 black robes, here are three indefensible, and therefore, invalid and non-binding assertions explicit or implicit in this decision…
Sorry to interrupt there — just one more excerpt:
At what point to we just say no? At what point do true men of honor display the courage to declare the truth that state laws on marriage are supreme and unassailable by federal courts?
Unelected judges and bureaucrats have taxed and regulated every aspect of our life, yet they say there is a fundamental right to abrogate the laws of nature that God has established as fundamental rights in the first place. Now we face a war on religious liberty – the very ideal on which this country was founded.
Who is on the side of the true rule of law and who is on the side of lawless men?
Read the entire article here.
For more on the topic, read: Judicial Supremacy: Not in the U.S. Constitution, Not the Intention of the Founding Fathers.
Image credit: www.aoc.gov.