Rush Limbaugh is right as usual:
[Obamism] can’t work. It never has worked. What’s going to happen is what Margaret Thatcher said: The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of the other guy’s money. You run out of other people’s money. Now, in our case, we can print money. Italy can’t print money; Greece can’t print money. We can. So we can continue this charade longer than other nations have been able to.
But at some point this is going to collapse on itself. The objective is to make sure the country is not permanently destroyed in the process of this happening. But this that Obama is trying, this that he wants to do cannot work. It cannot work mathematically. It cannot work politically. It cannot work ideologically. It never has. Nowhere has it ever worked at any time in human history. Obama’s way has never worked. What will happen eventually is that the beneficiaries — the people who think that they are the beneficiaries, the people who are totally relying on government — at some point (and it may not be my lifetime, I don’t know, but at some point) it’s gonna stop.
The gravy train is going to end. They’re in for a huge shock and surprise. The low-information people are going to be stunned into reality at some point.