(Editor’s note: If you missed our first installment in this series, it is recommended reading: The Fight for Paraphilia ‘Rights’: Let the Debate Begin.)
We close out each of these articles about paraphilias with a list of questions — and almost weekly, that list could get longer. For example…
- Should a person who is morally opposed to [fill in the blank paraphilia] behavior be allowed to have a show on HGTV?
- Will the National Football League give equal attention to the first openly [fill in the blank paraphilia] that is drafted?
- Will municipal employees who serve as part-time pastors be able to speak out about the morality of [fill in the blank paraphilia] and still keep their jobs?
- Will Barack Obama’s Defense Secretary, Chuck Hagel, want the prohibition of cross-dressers serving in the military to be reviewed, saying that “every qualified American who wants to serve our country should have an opportunity if they fit the qualifications and can do it”?
Oh, wait, that language is from an actual news story.
Mara Kiesling, executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality, said “These are amazing people who serve even though they must hide a basic part of who they are.”
Who they are? And all this time I thought “you are what you wear” was just an expression. This old line also comes to mind: “If you are what you do, when you don’t — you aren’t.”
Of course we’re long past this being a laughing matter. Because of a well-funded homo-maniacal effort to confuse, too few people realize what we’re talking about when we’re talking about the LBGTOMGWTFBBQ agenda. In a nutshell, it’s an effort to require everyone not only to accept as normal the state of mind and sexual predilections of anyone with a well-funded microphone but to approve of them as well.
Here’s Laurie Higgins from earlier this week:
The Leftist “identity” monster rears its ugly head again. For Leftists, identity is simply the aggregate of the (primarily sexual) feelings that they feel intensely; unilaterally and self-referentially decide are good; and upon which they seek to act. Oh, and their great moral absolute is that all of society must affirm their definition of identity.
Let’s turn to our paraphilia of the day: Cross-dressing. After all, cross-dressers are who they are — and we certainly don’t want to hurt their feelings by ignoring them in this series.
I included an “etc.” in the headline above because, upon further review (as the NFL might say), the cross-dressing thing gets a bit more complicated then you might think. Evidently clothing makes several appearances on the list of paraphilias. Below are just four of them. Yes, just four of them…there are more. Just so you don’t think I’m making this up, follow the links to the Wikipedia pages, and then for fun, follow the links within each of those articles. (Is it just me or does it seem even Wikipedia is having trouble keeping all of this straight? Click here, then here to see what I mean.)
Cross-dressing refers to the act of wearing clothing and other accoutrements commonly associated with the opposite sex within a particular society.[1] Cross-dressing has been used for purposes of disguise, comfort, and as a literary trope in modern times and throughout history. It does not, however, necessarily indicate transgender identity.
Transvestic fetishism is a psychiatric diagnosis applied to those who are thought to have an excessive sexual or erotic interest in cross-dressing; this interest is often expressed in autoerotic behavior. It differs from cross-dressing for entertainment or other purposes that do not involve sexual arousal, and is categorized as a paraphilia in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association.[1] (Sexual arousal in response to donning sex-typical clothing is homeovestism.)
Transvestism (also called transvestitism) is the practice of dressing and acting in a style or manner traditionally associated with another gender.
Homeovestism is a concept identified by George Zavitzianos and further developed by Louise Kaplan, to refer to the arousal of a person by wearing clothing appropriate to his or her gender, in comparison with the more widely recognized practices of transvestic fetishism, in which one is aroused by wearing clothing of the opposite gender.
Are you taking notes? I sure hope the NFL is — because before too long they’re going to be drafting someone who is a cross-dresser but not technically into transvestic fetishism. Maybe around the same time someone who is into transvestism will be ready to kiss (whatever) when they’re drafted in the seventh round (and here’s to hoping no one with a camera is nearby). And lest the NFL discriminate, it had better honor the first loud and proud homeovestism-iac (?) when their time comes.
How about we skip our list of questions today — we’ve done enough pondering for one article. I promise we’ll get back to the new and improved list in our next episode.