Thanks to terrific reporting by organizations like James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas, the truth of hard-left bias of the dominant media is being demonstrated.
How many years have conservatives been telling the American public to be weary of what CNN and the other dominant Leftist-led media reports? It has been decades.
Here is part two from O’Keefe’s group. First up, the text of their email today. Follow the link to contribute. After that, the embedded video:
Yesterday, Project Veritas released the first video in our “American Pravda” series—catching a CNN producer bragging about how they’re spreading fake news for the sake of ratings.
Today, Project Veritas launched our second video —which shows liberal pundit (and former Obama aide) Van Jones admitting that the whole scandal is a “nothing burger,” despite the hours of time he and other CNN pundits have spent pushing the story.
As I said in my email earlier this morning, the response to the first video has been seismic.
President Trump tweeted about it twice , and his White House Deputy Press Secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, said she would encourage “everybody across the country to take a look at it.”
By the afternoon, Project Veritas had made headlines in almost every major publication—everything from the Washington Post to Drudge Report.
Our team expects a similar response to today’s video. But, because of your support for Project Veritas, we wanted you to be among the first to see it—before anyone else.
Watch the latest chapter in this investigation now.
In truth,
P.S. Both videos exposing CNN need to reach the American people—and we’re counting on you to help make that happen. Will you help Project Veritas spread the word about this investigation—by chipping in just $27, right now?
Please make your most generous, tax-deductible contribution to Project Veritas right away.