The scandalous news of possibly illegal money transfers by the Illinois Republican Party should put the brakes on party officials’ participation in the succession question in the 13th Congressional District. You can read about the dozen examples of money movements between Republican political action committees in this article posted at Republican News Watch.
With the announcement that U.S. Rep. Tim Johnson is stepping down, the ambitious have stepped up to audition for the appointment to the ballot spot being vacated by Johnson, and among the names are –
- Jerry Clarke, member of the Illinois Republican Party Central Committee, and
- Rodney Davis, acting executive director of the Illinois Republican Party.
The State Journal Register reported this:
Pat Brady, chairman of the Republican Party of Illinois, will personally head the committee that picks a new GOP candidate for the U.S. House in the 13th Congressional District.
Since all three men share responsibility for the finances of the IL GOP, all three men should be disqualified from involvement in the succession decision in the 13th until all of those money transfers are explained.
Friends, it is our job as Republicans to clean up our own party. It’s not the Democrat’s job, it’s not the media’s job, and it had better not be the job of law enforcement officials.
The Republican Party county chairmen of the counties involved in choosing someone to fill the open spot in the 13th C.D. had better show they have some ethics and good sense. If they don’t, get ready for another black eye on the already crippled IL GOP.