Refocusing the War on Women Where it Rightly Belongs

From Carol Brown at American Thinker — for a dose of reality, follow all the links in paragraph 8:

The left is onto something. And with a little tweaking, we might all find common ground.

Since “War on Women” is now a recognized brand, I suggest we adopt it and refocus it where it rightly belongs. In this way we can advance our message of human rights and save ourselves in the process.

When the left speaks of a war on women, they are referring to things like denial of public funds for birth control, abortion, and most recently a call by some feminists that tampons be subsidized. Such demands are often placed within the context of dramatic accusations such as “denial of women’s access to healthcare.”

“Rape culture” is another inflammatory phrase feminists throw around. It highlights the left’s investment in nurturing a victim mentality at all cost; no matter if it paints an exaggerated picture that insults American men. I’m not saying that rape does not occur in America. It does. And rapists need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. But I am saying that American culture is not a so-called culture of rape and to describe it as such is a disgusting lie.

The progressives’ claim that there is a war on women also addresses how women are “objectified” and only valued for their bodies. Uh-huh. Hey, I didn’t make it up, the woman at the 2:20 mark said it! I’m just sharing a taste of lunacy.

The left should be ashamed of their petty complaints and use of the word “war” in describing the treatment of women in America, while an actual war against women is being waged throughout the Islamic world, and beyond. The “pro-choice” “war on women” crowd needs to wake up and understand what lack of choice really means, what a war against the fairer sex truly looks like.

A war against women is raging — in Muslim-majority countries and elsewhere as Sharia law is increasingly asserted around globe. Muslim and non-Muslim women and girls are routinely subjected to unthinkable horrors as they are brutalized, kidnapped, enslaved, forced into prostitution, raped, and butchered.

And what deplorable crime did they commit to deserve their awful fate? They wore pants, drove a car, went to school, used social media, went outside without a male escort, did not do their chores correctly, fell in love, cooked the wrong meal, appeared too Western, questioned the morality police, committed adultery, were non-Muslim, or because they were sexually assaulted. To name a few offenses. There is no end to the list of what a woman can do wrong under Sharia law. The punishments inflicted are abominable acts that civilized people consider aberrant psychopathic behavior. But under Sharia law, evil is institutionalized. See here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here among an infinite list of examples.

So let’s compare and contrast, shall we? On the one hand we have feminists the likes of Sandra Fluke calling for government subsidies for birth control, while on the other hand we have women and girls enduring unthinkable torture under the Sharia as described below. Put those side-by-side and a 2-year-old could tell you the difference. (Headline reads: Toddler Mocks Fluke, Discerns Reality from Fantasy)

Read more: American Thinker