John Stossel explains the revolutionary Bernie Sanders:
Bernie Sanders leads the race for the Democratic nomination.
He may become America’s first self-described “democratic socialist” president.
What does that mean?
Today, when Sanders talks about socialism, he says: “I’m not looking at Cuba. I’m looking at countries like Denmark and Sweden.”
But Denmark and Sweden are not socialist. Denmark’s prime minister even came to America to refute Sanders’ claims, pointing out that “Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy.”
Both Denmark and Sweden do give citizens government-run health care and have bigger welfare programs than America has. However, recently, they’ve moved away from socialism. Because their socialist policies killed economic growth, they cut regulations and ended government control of many industries.
Sanders probably doesn’t know that. He, like many young people, just loves the idea of socialism.
For my new video this week, Stossel TV producer Maxim Lott went through hours of Sanders’ old speeches. What he found reveals a lot about what Sanders believes.
When Sanders was mayor of Burlington, Vermont, he went out of his way to defend Fidel Castro. “He educated the kids, gave them health care, totally transformed the society!” Fortunately, Sanders added, “Not to say Fidel Castro or Cuba are perfect.”
Even now in Cuba, most people try to live on less than $2 a day.
Sanders focuses on other things, like: “They did a lot to eliminate illiteracy!”
Sanders has long had a soft spot for socialist countries. He chose to honeymoon in Communist Russia, where he said people “seem reasonably happy and content.” He was “extremely impressed by their public transportation system… cleanest, most effective mass transit system I’ve ever seen in my life!”
He praised Soviet youth programs: “Cultural programs go far beyond what we do in this country.”
He did at least qualify his support, calling the Soviet government “authoritarian.”
Read more: Townhall
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