She’s no fluke: is the word “slut” still relevant?

Finally someone says what I’ve been thinking about the recent Rush Limbaugh/Sandra Fluke “dust up”…the following excerpt is from Selwyn Duke’s latest column:

Of course, in Fluke’s testimony, she didn’t literally say that she was having $1000-worth of sex a year. What she said was, “Without insurance coverage, contraception can cost a woman over $3000 during law school. For a lot of students who, like me, are on public interest scholarships, that’s practically an entire summer’s salary.” Now, I’ll leave it to you to determine her implication, but I’ll say that if a female law student is engaging in so much sexual congress that she’s spending a mint on birth-control, I wouldn’t reflexively assume she’s a slut.

Because I’d wonder how she was working her way through law school.

Really, though, if such a woman doesn’t deserve slut status, who does? Is the word now obsolete? Have we become like a Barbary-pirate nation where the term “thief” may be out of style because its use may offend the majority?

Read the entire excellent article here