Here is a video and a link to another of Terrence O. Moore, a professor of history at Hillsdale College, and the author of the book The Story-Killers: A Common-Sense Case Against the Common Core. First is a presentation by him posted at the Hillsdale YouTube page — here’s the introduction to it:
The Common Core Standards control the testing and curriculum of public schools and a large number of private schools in over forty states in the nation. Sold to the public as a needed reform, the Common Core nationalizes absurdity, superficiality, and political bias in the American classroom. As a result, the great stories of a great nation are at risk, along with the minds and souls of our children.
Second, a very good interview by Ginni Thomas with professor Moore — it’s shorter and if you don’t have the time for the above definitely read and watch this one. Here’s the intro to the article and a link to the rest and the video.
Common Core is taking aim at the souls of our children, says a classical educator [VIDEO]
Terrence Moore, an assistant professor of history at Hillsdale College, dug through Common Core-approved textbooks to understand what is coming for America.
In this compelling, two-part interview, Moore calls the Common Core standards a “federal takeover of education” that is “dangerous.”
You’ve seen the troubles with the national takeover of health care by Obamacare, he said, “but imagine the national takeover of the American minds and souls? That’s what Common Core is.”
“Because once you control the curriculum in the schools, then you can dictate what students are supposed to think and feel, and how they are supposed to look at the world,” Moore continued. “So, unfortunately Arne Duncan and others have overplayed their hand, and they have used the wrong term in dismissing ‘suburban moms.’”
But a grassroots movement is rising up at the state level to oppose the standards.
“This is a political issue, and the thing these folks need to understand is that ‘suburban moms’ — first of all, they vote,” he said. “And, secondly, there’s nothing that they consider greater and more precious than the souls of their kids. And when they see that those souls are being damaged by the rubbish that’s being put forth in these schools, they get upset and then they start organizing. And then they start asking questions, questions that most state senators and state legislators can’t answer. And when they don’t have those answers, then they get primaried and they get thrown out of office.”