
Peter LaBarbera and Americans for Truth needs and deserves your support

Peter LaBarbera and Americans for Truth needs and deserves your support

By John Biver

I’ve written previously about author and talk show host Tammy Bruce’s harsh words for the leadership of the “homosexual rights” movement and for those who seek to –

– “indoctrinate decent, thoughtful people into accepting that the standards by which they were raised are wrong.”

Tammy’s words are made all the more important because she describes herself as pro-choice, a feminist, and a lesbian who was at one point a part of the left’s political leadership.

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In search of political magic fairy dust (Part 3)

By John Biver

There is no magic fairy dust that can be spread around the country to make voters aware of why they should support solutions based on GOP principles. The political battle for the public mind has to be fought on every issue. It’s going to require a lot of people doing real political work. Not fake activism, but the kind which results in new voters being reached and won over.

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In search of political magic fairy dust (Part 2)

By John Biver

A headline in last Sunday’s Washington Times read: “Jeb Bush, GOP: Time to leave Reagan behind.”

Uh, Jeb, what do you think your father and brother did while they occupied the Oval Office?

I have regard for Jeb Bush’s accomplishments as governor of Florida, but the country would be a lot better off if the Bush family retired from politics until they studied and learned why Ronald Reagan succeeded as president while the two Bushes didn’t.

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In search of political magic fairy dust (Part 1)

By John Biver

Don’t let the title of this piece confuse you – my subject is not state Senator Dan Rutherford, Congressman Mark Kirk, or political pay roller John McGovern (Republicans all). Rather, my topic is basic political communications.

The conservative message is how we would solve policy problems, and why we oppose those offered by the political left. That message is not reaching enough people. Until more conservatives realize this, the movement – and the Republican Party – is going nowhere.

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GOP Communication Failure and the Power of a Volunteer Political Army

By John Biver

Nutty (to put it mildly) socialist playwright George Bernard Shaw was wrong about a lot of things, but in this quote widely attributed to him, he was right:

“The greatest problem in communication is the illusion that it has been accomplished.”

Republican Party and Republican public officials are stuck in ignorance when it comes to how to move public opinion. The gigantic irony of that, of course, is that shaping public sentiment is their chief task (see here andhere).

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Republican state senators should sell the proposal they have

By John Biver

According to a Chicago Tribune report the other day Republican state Sen. Matt Murphy of Palatine said that –

– “the GOP’s Senate minority should consider coming up with its own alternative to Democratic Gov.Pat Quinn’s spending plan if it wants to be able to legitimately argue that state government doesn’t need a tax increase.”

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Wimpy conservatives need to toughen up for the fight

By John Biver

I wish I didn’t have to report the following but I have to. Evidence for what works best in public policy doesn’t necessarily carry the day. Our political opponents are very committed to the delusion that socialism and the advancement of radical left-wing social policy will bring a better life for all.

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Psychoanalyzing conservative elected officials

By John Biver

Yesterday I wrote about the continuing frustration of conservative activists with those elected conservatives that fail to genuinely lead. There are so many issues still waiting to be addressed at both the state and national level. So why aren’t these issues being addressed by our leaders?

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The dumbest generation?

By John Biver

A new book came out last year by Mark Bauerlein with this title: “The Dumbest Generation: How the Digital Age Stupefies Young Americans and Jeopardizes Our Future (Or, Don’t Trust Anyone Under 30)”

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GOP 101: Defending and promoting the party platform

By John Biver

Those of us at Champion News happily subscribe to the goal that the Republican Party should indeed be a “big tent.” Of course we define the term properly, whereas others completely misunderstand the meaning of the phrase as well as the purpose of a political party.

The goal for the Grand Old Party should be to attract conservatives of all stripes, plus moderates, and even wavering liberals who will support as many of the party’s planks as possible. If the goal is reached, so many people would join that a large tent would be required.

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It’s High Noon again for Republican state legislators

It’s High Noon again for Republican state legislators

By John Biver

Last week I offered suggested resolutions for conservative activists in Illinois so today I have a question for our Illinois Republican state legislators: What will you be doing differently in the new year? As a citizen, a member of the Republican Party, an elected Precinct Committeeman, and a taxpayer, I have a few suggestions.

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